Thursday, August 26, 2010

Better Together

I spent some time this morning talking to an amazing artist from, Stephen Brewster. The guy has a ton of passion and some great insights and a really refreshing perspective on the church, design, worship and over all experience. There were a lot of things I walked away with, but I thought I share one thought.

There's a phrase I've been dropping around here a lot this year and that is we are "better together". After talking to Stephen I couldn't help but think of how incredibly large the churches impact would be if we operated with that mentality. Pastors, designers or songwriters – it doesn't matter, we were all created to create, but what we create only gains value when we share it. Stephen says it best, "we don't lose our value in sharing creativity – the value is found when it's shared."

If you're organization, or church is doing something effective share the idea. If you're a designer, or your in marketing and you've found an effective way to communicate a message – share it. The trick then is for those who want to utilize the idea need to realize that it still has to be shaped uniquely for you, your community or organization. Sharing won't create copycats, it will only make for more efficient methods and strategies as they are shaped uniquely for each situation and individual church.

Check out the Crosspoint staff and church. They are doing amazing things under the leadership of Pete Wilson. I've listed a few ways for you to find and connect to the team there.

Pete Wilson - on twitter @pwilson |
Stephen Brewster - on twitter @b_rewster |
Justin Davis - on twitter @justindavis33 |
Jenni Catron - on twitter @jennicatron |

Monday, August 23, 2010

Heart or Habit

We've all heard people say "that's just the way we do it." If you're like me you can't stand that phrase and you're always trying to push the envelope and go beyond what has always been done. But when it comes to my own life I had to make sure I had the same drive. Do I accept this is what I've always done so I'll stick with what works? I just wonder sometimes if complacency sets in and we begin to do what we do out of habit and less out of heart?

I like this verse found in Romans 12:11- Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. What really stood out to me is the words never be lacking in passion. Passion is fueled by heart and not habit. Passion is what keeps us looking at situations and challenges with a solution mindset. I guess the challenge for me is am I doing my relationships, my job and my life out of habit or out of heart? With heart comes passion with habit, complacency.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Common Denominator

What do success and failure have in common? CONSISTENCY. As I observe the successes and failures in my life, in relationships around me and in organizations and businesses I can always trace it back to one thing. CONSISTENCY. I either make consistent right choices that lead to success, or I make consistent wrong decisions that lead to failure.

This is nothing new, but sometimes forgotten. I don't think people expect perfection from us, our organizations or relationships, but I do believe they expect consistency. For relationships that may mean one thing, and for businesses another but in the end the consistency is crucial in our lives and organizations.

To be consistent it doesn't mean you don't change. The consistencies should be your core, but the methods in relationships and organizations should evolve to see maximum results. What are your core values, principles or standards? Are you staying consistent with them and evolving the way you execute them?

I'd love to hear any thoughts on this.